How my journey began…

“There are no bad dogs; we just need to set them up for success.”

Hello! My name is Megan Billingsley and I have been working with animals for the past 20+ years. In my animal career, I have been a vet tech, trainer, sled dog caretaker, pet sitter and volunteer at a rescue sanctuary for big cats.

I volunteered during my Masters degree program at USF (2010/11) at Big Cat Rescue in Tampa, FL where I learned Operant Conditioning and enrichment tactics.

I spent the summer of 2013 working in Canada with over 20 sled dogs and supervising their summer training including pack hikes and play groups.

I apprenticed with the lead dog trainer on the Emory Dog Project in 2014 which used fMRI machines to see the brain functions of a fully awake and unrestrained dog; it was here that I learned about desensitization and building bonds with dogs.

In 2015, I spent a year and a half in Austin as a tutor at The Canine Center for Training and Behavior where we worked with dogs using exercise and positive reinforcement to enforce relationships. We practiced the Tellington TTouch method and the John Rogerson theory of showing emotions to reward your dog.

I live in East Atlanta Village with my husband, two daughters and our dog. Sienna, our lovable ‘pibble’, is a CGC certified dog and can speak to us using AAC devices. Our former dog, Nanook, was a ‘therapy dog for other dogs’ and CGC certified.

CPDT-KA, CGC Evaluator, Fear Free Certified